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From: http://www.hlcraft.com
Date: 22 Oct 2006
Time: 21:56:47 -0400
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http://www.hlcraft.com 工艺竹筷 筷子 菜板 竹制菜板 竹制餐具 主要产品:http://www.hlcraft.com <a href="http://www.hlcraft.com/"><b>工艺竹筷</b></a>、<a href="http://www.hlcraft.com/"><b>筷子</b></a>、<a href="http://www.hlcraft.com"><b>菜板</b></a> <a href="http://www.hlcraft.com"><b>竹制菜板</b></a>、<a href="http://www.hlcraft.com"><b>竹制餐具</b>[url=http://www.hlcraft.com]工艺竹筷[/url [url=http://www.hlcraft.com]筷子[/url] [url=http://www.hlcraft.com]竹制菜板[/url] [url=http://www.hlcraft.com]菜板[/url] [url=http://www.hlcraft.com]竹制餐具[/url] 浙江省仙居县华立工艺厂,位于风景秀丽的神仙居永安溪上游,创办于1990年,是一家专业生产竹制品的厂家。从原料到产成品一条龙生产。主要产品有工艺竹筷、精品筷、竹制菜板、托盘、筷笼、支架式、平底式果筐、工艺锅垫、竹凉垫(汽车靠垫、沙发凉垫)、竹凉席、工艺笔筒等十多个系列,二百多个品种。畅销加拿大、日本、韩国、东南亚各国、欧美市场及国内各大商场、超市。电话013564978600 86-21-54152282 联系人张启:网址:http://www.hlcraft.com "味老大"是本厂成名的注册商标.味老大竹制品选用素有"铁竹"之称的高山云雾老毛竹。其特点:密度高、硬度大、韧性强;且集传统工艺与现代技术结合,融观赏与实用为一体,经高温、高压处理、防菌卫生、经久耐用;款式与色彩高雅别致,品质上优而誉满国内外。2001年获省国际农博会优质奖,2002年获省国际农博会银奖,2003年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,并荣获市龙头企业名牌产品著名商标。http://www.hlcraft.com/
From: Gerard "Gerry" Roth -> Leonie Suhor Roth -> Antun Suhor
Date: 29 Jan 2003
Time: 16:06:26 -0500
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I do not unfortunately get to meet many of my relatives other than usually at funerals. I am happy to have met several relatives at "Don's benefit concert" at the "Palm Court Jazz Cafe". I do remember my unexpected meeting of Don while he was playing. It was doing the 1990's while I was at work at UNO (University of New Orleans in a staff position in the Accounting Services Office). The University Bookstore located in the UC (University Center) each last week before Christmas has in the lounge area of the UC some sort of Christmas activity. When I was passing through the lounge area going to the cafeteria for lunch I heard jazzy Christmas music. Naturally I looked to see where it was coming from and to my pleasant surprise it was from Don in a trio or possibly a quartet playing the music. I then went to a spot where he could see me and when he did he immediately recognized me but never missed a beat in his playing the clarinet. When he finished the piece he was playing I told him that I was going to lunch and would be back to chat with him afterwards. I had a very enjoyable lunch while listening to Don and company playing jazzy Christmas music. After the meal I returned to listen to the music and had the opportunity to have a very pleasant chat with him during a break before I had to return to work. Gerard "Gerry" Roth -> Leonie Suhor Roth -> Antun Suhor <- Anthony Bernard Suhor <- Donald "Don" John Suhor