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From: http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm
Date: 20 Oct 2006
Time: 22:34:20 -0400
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http://www.chfang.com http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm http://www.xianweijing.com.cn/biological.html [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]ÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">ÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.xianweijing.com.cn/biological.html]ÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url <a href="http://www.xianweijing.com.cn/biological.html">ÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ</a> ÉϺ£³¤·½¹âѧÒÇÆ÷³§Éú²ú£ºÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ.µç»°£º021-68620355£üÁªÏµÈË£ºÁõÏÈÉú ÍøÖ·£ºhttp://www.chfang.com [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm>ÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">ÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]µ¹ÖÃÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">µ¹ÖÃÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]ϸ°ûÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">ϸ°ûÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]ÉúÎïÓ«¹âÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">ÉúÎïÓ«¹âÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]͸·´ÉäÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">͸·´ÉäÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]Ó«¹âÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">Ó«¹âÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]͸ÉäÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">͸ÉäÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ</a> [url=http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm]·´ÉäÉúÎïÏÔ΢¾µ[/url] <a href="http://www.chfang.com/produce/biology.htm">·´ÉäÏÔ΢¾µ</a>
From: Gerard "Gerry" Roth -> Leonie Suhor Roth -> Antun Suhor
Date: 06 Jan 2003
Time: 22:45:30 -0500
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With respect to the post "Family Illness" I am one of the lucky ones to have received the referenced e-mail directly from Charles (time stamped – 2:04 PM) and knew it was from my first cousin Charles August Suhor -> Anthony Bernard Suhor -> Antun Suhor. My sister-in-law sent me an e-mail at 4:50 PM asking if I had any idea who he (Charlie, Don or Jane is). Before I had a chance to explain who Donald "Don" John Suhor -> Anthony Bernard Suhor -> Antun Suhor or who Jane Frances Suhor Duffy -> Anthony Bernard Suhor -> Antun Suhor is by e-mail, apparently my brother – her husband came home and explained who they are – per an e-mail I received at 8:03 PM. I also noticed the post "Happy New Year" from Monica Campo and I had to do some research to find out her relationship to the "Suhor's". I happen to have the time and patients to find out that it is Monica Leigh Duffy Campo -> Jane Frances Suhor Duffy -> Anthony Bernard Suhor -> Antun Suhor. Per the information provided in the "Black Binder" there are well over 200 heirs or spouses of Antun Suhor and it can get complicated trying to figure out "Who's Who" with the bare facts provided in some of the posts provided in the GuestBook. In the case of my brother and his wife IF it was not for the post here neither would probably have known about the "Family Illness", I took it for grated that Charles also had my brother's (Leo Roth's) e-mail address but apparently not OR overlooked it when sending the e-mail. It is plainly listed both in the "Black Binder Directory" and on the website's "RESTRICTED" "Suhor Family Contacts" page. In the case of "Monica Campo" with having posted to this "GuestBook" page I am sure she or her husband has an e-mail address but IF so it is not listed either in the "Black Binder Directory" nor on the website's "RESTRICTED" "Suhor Family Contacts" page. For those of you that have e-mail capability check to see if "the webmaster" Robert "Bobby" Gerard Suhor, Jr. -> Robert "Bobby" Gerard Suhor, Sr. -> John Michael Suhor -> Antun Suhor has your e-mail address. I know that he sends update info by e-mail about the site when there are significant changes to the site. As to photos, the persons mentioned in the "Family Illness" post can be seen on the "Customized Family Page" of "Anthony Suhor". "Charles" or "Charlie" is at the extreme right, "Donald" or "Don" is second from the left, and "Jane" is next to "Charles" second from the right. It does help to know and see "Who's Who". I am sure IF "Bobby" had a photo of you then it would eventually get on the website. You may have noticed how he has slowly but surely been adding to the website. Some things that seem easy may be complicated and at times errors will be made. Feedback to "Bobby" to correct errors and to be able to improve the site in both cases is critical. NO FEEDBACK EQUALS LITTLE OR NO UPDATING IN SOME AREAS. Bobby, thanks for all the work that you have been putting into the website. As you know I am giving you feedback and hopefully others will be doing so also. ];-} Gerard "Gerry" Roth -> Leonie Suhor Roth -> Antun Suhor