Monica Leigh Duffy Campo (Daughter of Jane Frances Suhor and Peter Duffy Granddaughter of Anthony and Marie
Justyne, age 10, uses Suhor Family Website for School Project, Gets “A”
“ daughter Justyne received a 100/A on her report and project based on Suhor Family History. She made two model homes- one was Antun's first home on Rampart St. and the other was a home from the village in Croatia. She did a wonderful job and made our family proud.”
Justyne’s Historical Suhor Family Project
The Campo Family: Brandon, Angeline, Harold, Monica & Justyne
Hi Bobby,
How are you? I hope all is fine there.
I have enclosed Justyne's photos of her Social Studies project. She continues to ask me about them - so now I have finally sent them to you. I have also enclosed a small family photo of us in Disneyworld (Summer 2002). It is the most recent family photo we have.
I haven't had any takers to assist with the Family Reunion so if you have any suggestions let me know.
Thanks, Monica Campo (Jane Suhor Duffy's daughter)
PS: Should I have some sort of password for the site? Special E-mail?
Actually, you are correct. The “password” you mention is the one given out to access the private Family Directory of phone numbers, email and address info. The special email is a custom email you can give anyone that automatically forwards to your regular email address. We just gave you (Capital or lower case letters don’t matter for email). Try it - it works right now. Thanks for sending us some pics for your family page and to Justyne for making me even more proud of our family website.
- Warmest Regards, Bobby
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